PGD ( Preimplanttation Genetic Diagnosis)

Advanced maternal age, recurrent IVF failures, severe male infertility, recurrent miscarriages, single gene genetic disorders, gender selection required for special occasions ( the process of family balancing, gender linked genetic conditions) are the indications for PGD procedures. 

PGD is a general terminology which involves biopsy procedures and genetic investigations performed for sorting genetically abnormal embryos created for IVF treatments.  

FISH ( Flourescent in situ hybridization), aCGH ( Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization) and NGS ( PGT-A: Next generation sequencing) are the methods used to help locate chromosomal abnormalities. 

To increase the clinical pregnancy rates and to figure out the baby’s gender for medical reasons, PGD is an advanced method which we can perform easily with a very successful rate with our 20 years of experience.  

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